Thursday, December 20, 2007

meet my kiddos!

This is Giger, the oldest.

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And this is Lexi Lou. My baby.

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Last year while my hubby was in North Carolina for the summer, I adopted Giger as a birthday present for him. Eric has always wanted a miniature weenie dog and when I saw a picture of this guy on PetFinder I knew we had to have him!
After about a year we decided Giger needed a little sister to play with. So we found Lou. It was rough at first. Giger didn't talk to his dad for a week or two. It took some getting used to but now they love each other!
These two truly are like our kids. I never thought I'd love a pet so much.

This is Giger when he was a puppy:

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It was the ears that got me!

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They sure grow up fast!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Here are some more shots from my family session last weekend. I'm having so much fun editing these!

Sisterly love.


blog overhaul.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but I have slowly been giving my blog a face lift. I'm still not quite done so please bare with me while I undergo all this construction! I'm still trying to figure out all the functions and layout of blogger. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what I should add or take away please feel free to share!

In the mean time, what's a blog without a picture? Here's what I've been working on this past week.

These kiddos are my co-workers. They were too cute and an absolute blast to photograph!

Friday, December 7, 2007

what a treat!

One of my old friends and college roommate asked me to take some portraits of her kiddos for her family Christmas cards this year. She has a 2 year old and a 4 month old. We met at her mom's house to get some shots in front of the Christmas tree and had sort of a lifetime session. The kids just mostly played and I got some really cute shots.
Meet Brayden and Maddie.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

the calm after the storm.

Last weekend after a little rain shower I stepped outside and this is what I saw. All of the fall colors and the leaves blowing every where were just absolutely gorgeous. I had to take a few shots. I just love this time of year! Just not the cold part...

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